Insights Blog
Welcome! We’re happy to share with you some of the wisdom of our community. Get to know us better and add your voice.

FEBI and Emergency Response Leadership
Nate Weed, a public health leader, shares insights on how the four energy patterns help leaders effectively respond to emergencies.

How Are You? And 3 Truths Behind Your Answer
Ginny Whitelaw reflects on these times and the 3 facts of resonance that shape how are are - both in how we feel and how we act.

Three “Downs” to be Up for These Times
Ginny Whitelaw talks about the revelations of our tumultuous times and shares ways to be "up" for the tasks at hand.

On the Road
Andy Robins shares what he's learned living out of the back of a Transit Van as he and his family travel England in the pandemic summer.

The Heart of a New Social Contract
Ginny Whitelaw reflects on the injustice of our current social contract and the urgent need for a new one.

Brave New World
Andy Robins explores expansion and contraction that is felt around the world.