Insights Blog
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Functional Freeze: Finding My Way Back to Myself
Courtney Amo, Zen Leadership Practitioner, shares her experience of functional freeze. What is it good for and how to rediscover the warmth when it is time to thaw.

Five Reasons And One Way To Slow Down In This Sped-Up Time
Smooth leadership is more coherent, resonant, attuned, connected and calm, and a way to access it is as near as one’s next exhale.

Moving in Style: Physical Strategies for the Agile Work of Leadership
The world around us is calling for great agility in leadership. Drawing on our full inner team of energy patterns, we can rise to the call.

FEBI as a Key Tool in Integrating Energy to Create Stronger, More Resilient Teams
FEBI, the mind-body assessment from IZL, reminds us in the words of Kate Watters, that “none of us have to be everything” and each and all of us have access to an array of energies than we can use judiciously on our teams.

My Surprisingly Deep Transformational Journey With FEBI
Brad Reed, FEBI Coach and transformational coach, shares his personal transformational journey with FEBI.

Fostering holistic leadership through FEBI – Lee’s Story
Jasleen Kaur and Kelly Bannister share the real journey of an IZL instructor.

What is FEBI-4U?
Dr. Ginny Whitelaw interviews Marcela Kyngesburye, ZL Instructor, about the upcoming FEBI courses and Marcela's personal interest in FEBI.

Physical Side of Great CEOs
Ginny Whitelaw explores how the findings from a Harvard Business Review study on great CEOs align with the FEBI energy patterns.