Insights Blog
Welcome! We’re happy to share with you some of the wisdom of our community. Get to know us better and add your voice.

Seeking Perfection: Steve Jobs, Mu, Ma and Zen
Andy Robins explores something quite removed from the news of the day.

Embodied Leadership: A Cure For What Ails Us?
Emboded leadership is showing the way to do the inner work that enables more successful, systemic outer work.

Playground Leadership: In The Age Of Bully Leaders, Where Is Our Mandela?
Andy Robins wonders about world leaders and ponders Nelson Mandela's courage.

On the Road
Andy Robins shares what he's learned living out of the back of a Transit Van as he and his family travel England in the pandemic summer.

My True Names - George Floyd, Derek Chauvin
Rebecca Krantz shares her reflections on the Black Lives Matter movement.

The Heart of a New Social Contract
Ginny Whitelaw reflects on the injustice of our current social contract and the urgent need for a new one.

Brave New World
Andy Robins explores expansion and contraction that is felt around the world.

Women's History Month: Think About, Celebrate a Strong Woman
Adrienne Hampton reflects on Women's History Month and a strong woman in her life.

Life Hurts...There Is No Avoiding It
Andy Robins reminds us that pain is a part of life. The Zen Leader reminds us that the first step is to transform the energy.

Wonderfully Wonky by Design
Here, and in coming articles, Jen Ayres reflects on her experience in ZL1 in the French Alps.