Insights Blog
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Shakuhachi Zen: The Lure of the Shakuhachi's Siren Song
Jeff Nytes recounts his Shakuhachi - and Zen - journey

What an Interconnected Universe Means for You as a Leader
In our interconnect universe, leaders are bring possible futures into the present moment. Here are 3 principles that will help turn those futures into reality.

I Don't Know
Andy Robins, a Zen Priest and ZL Instructor, shares his reflections on how, at times, not knowing the answer can be the best answer.

The Most Essential Leadership Skills And How Zen Reframes A Way To Master Them
Agility, creativity and other essential leadership skills are better cultivated through the mind-body unification of Zen practices.

If You Build It, Will They Come?
As leaders reimagine post-pandemic businesses and ways of working, resonance replaces wishful thinking in bringing vital honesty to: Build it and they will come.

When We Unpin Our Hopes
Jen Aryes finished the Zen Leader series. This is her reflection on the 3 year journey.

Constant Change
Bob Caron sees a resolution to the gap between our desire for stability and the constant change of the world around us.

Suffering and Healing - Greed, Hatred & Delusion: Some Call It Leadership?
Andy Robins sees a way through the conflicts and despair .

The Labels That Stoke Conflict
Jen Ayres wonders if the labels we give ourselves help - or hurt - dialogue.

An Elusive Unity
Bob Caron suggests that Zen may have an approach to that elusive "unity" some in the US are seeking.

Reflections on Holidays, and the Year, Past
Andy Robins compares the uncertain lives of childhood visitors with the past year, and reminds us to connect with compassion.

Seeking Perfection: Steve Jobs, Mu, Ma and Zen
Andy Robins explores something quite removed from the news of the day.

Embodied Leadership: A Cure For What Ails Us?
Emboded leadership is showing the way to do the inner work that enables more successful, systemic outer work.

Radical Zen Leadership
Rebecca Ryan reflects on radicalization and how it has freed her in many ways.