Leading Fearlessly,
Transforming Relationships

What would you make possible in your practice and patients if you could take away fear? How would your days or leadership be different if you you were less stressed or triggered by difficult people or situations?

HEAL2 is your chance to find out.

Be connected. Be fearless. And you help others be the same

Experience the unshakeable resilience and healing effects of skillfully working with fear in yourself and others.

  • Face into self-limiting fears and free yourself

  • Flip from useless outer blaming to productive inner work

  • Learn how to interrupt and rework fear-based habits

  • Leverage the neuroscience of “I” and “we”

  • Discover how trauma distorts the present

  • Identify what triggers conflict for people in each of the energy patterns and what they need to move forward

  • Explore how some needs can never be filled enough and what to do about them

  • Flip drama triangles to empowering relationships

  • Apply these learnings to real cases and relationships in your own healthcare practice

“I’ve had many nuts and bolts training, but here I learned to use my whole body.” 

Judy Washington, MD

"This is an ideal program to find your authentic self and learn to express it both personally and professionally...it is the single most impactful training I have had.”

Gabrielle Curtis, MD

“HEAL2 offers a new way to look at and work with deep fears…being able to bring these fears into our conscious mind and then work with them through the body is extremely valuable.” 

Cheryl Goeckermann, MD Family Medicine Physician

How does it work?

  • Online Format: Starts Thursday evening, runs through the weekend, and finishes Sunday at noon CT; approximately 25 hours of training

  • In-Person Format: Same program length and content, but held in the healing surrounds of the Spring Green Zen Dojo in Wisconsin.

An immersive, online weekend of Leading Fearlessly, Transforming Relationships

both come with these resources:

  • A comprehensive workbook

  • Coaching and discussion around real cases from your personal or professional life

  • A Zen toolkit you are never without and practices for how to use it

  • Professional guidance in Zen meditation

both qualify for CME

  • In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by the HEAL program and SSM Health. SSM Health is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

    ACCME – physicians

    SSM Health designates this live activity for maximum of 25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. 
    Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

    ANCC – nurses

    SSM Health designates this live activity for a maximum of 25.0 ANCC contact hours.Description text goes here

Post-Program Support:

An Enriching Community

Join in monthly gatherings where we take Zen Leadership Off the Cushion (ZLOTC), plus engage in peer coaching, social media, special interest groups and other events.

Advanced Courses

Continue on your journey through the final “flips” in HEAL3: Leading Transformation. Complete all 3 HEAL programs plus FEBI-4U and earn a certificate as a HEAL Practitioner.

Ongoing Zen Practice

Train with us daily in online Zen meditation through our sister organization, Chosei Zen. If Zen training calls you, you’ve found a limitless, world-class pathway into it.

Access to Videos

You’ll have access to a rich archive of additional practice and instructional videos, as well as other resources from The Zen Leader, reinforcing and deepening the learnings you experienced.

Register Now

We are now accepting registrations for:

Regularly $599; Register now for $449

Dates don’t work? CLICK HERE to be added to our waitlist and we’ll notify you when the next online or in-person program is scheduled.

Scholarship Opportunities

We want to make our programs available to all who are eager to join. If resources are a barrier, you may apply for a partial scholarship.

If you can help make our programs more available by donating a little extra or gifting a program, we and those whom it benefits thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We design our online agendas with options, so that they work with time zones around the world. When necessary, we also record sessions so that no one has to attend beyond midnight local time.

  • Your prgram fee covers all meals and lodging for the weekend. You’ll be treated to the sensational cooking of a Zen Master chef. Lodging is at the beautiful Silverstar Inn, about a 10-minute drive from the Dojo venue.

  • If you’re already familiar with the FEBI energy patterns (e.g., from FEBI-4U), you can take HEAL2 before HEAL1 and you won’t be lost. But you will want to pick up HEAL1 later as the programs work together as a set.

  • No worries, we can transfer your registration forward to a future offering or you may be eligible for a refund. See our cancellation policy here.

  • You still qualify to attend the program. If you’re committed to making a positive difference in your personal or professional life, you fit our definition of leader, and we’re here to help you do it better.

  • IZL’s CMEs are accredited through SSM Health, which is connected to the EEDS CME Credit system. Upon completion of a HEAL program, IZL will send you the Activity Code for that program and you can log in and claim your hours.

  • No, our training is compatible with any religion or none at all. We introduce physical Zen training, including meditation, to help you break through barriers and free the mind. We don't ask you to believe anything; our training is more like a foundation for enriching your life.